Friday, September 12, 2008

The San Francisco Earthquake (1906)

The San Francisco Earthquake:

The first sign of the horrors to come was a small foreshock However, it offered just a quick warning, for massive devastation was soon to follow. Roughly 20 to 25 seconds after the intial foreshock, the large quake hit. With the epicenter close too San Francisco, the entire city was rocked.Walls caved in,Chimneys fell and gas lines broke.Many people didn't have time to even get out of bed before they were killed by falling debris.
The earthquake lasted for roughly 40 to 60 seconds. Soon after, fires broke out across the city from broken gas lines.The fires spread quickly across San Francisco.
The quake and subsequent fire left more than half San Francisco's population homeless, destroyed 28,000 buildings, and killed approximately 700 to 3,000 people

This quake was measured as between 7.7 - 7.9 on the richter scale and scientists predict that another earthquake of simialiar size will hit san francisco in the near future

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